Thursday, March 31, 2011

One Last Hurrah! One last cruise in my JDM CR-X Project Mugen PRO.2 for the 2005 summer driving season.

With winter fast approaching, I wanted to take one last run with the CR-X before she had to go into the garage for hibernation. But where to go? I wanted somewhere fun, that could be driven round-trip easily in a day so we'd have plenty of time to stop for pictures along the way. Somewhere scenic, but not too remote, in case we ran into trouble and somewhere where I could open her up and maybe get a change to take some corners.

My fiance suggested Invermere, BC.

Invermere is about three hours from Calgary. There's lots of beautiful scenery thru Kootenay National Park, the highway there has a few wide open stretches and the closer you get to Radium, just outside of Invermere, there is a stretch with some curves.

It was the perfect destination, so we packed up some sunblock and the cameras and off we went.

Pictures Taken Through The Glasstop In Kootenay Nat'l Park, Aug 2005

We had a blast; the weather was great, the CR-X ran like a top, we had an excellent dinner at a local pub, took some amazing pictures and we were back shortly before midnight. It was the perfect end to the perfect summer.

When I got home and was sorting through the pictures from our trip I realized that I'd taken one of the best pictures I'd ever shot. The lighting isn't perfect and the camera was just a point and shoot 2 megapixel digital, but it will always be my favorite.

CR-X Sunset

Remember, this blog was written in chronological order so, you will need to click OLDER POSTS to move forward in time, and click NEWER POSTS to go backwards.

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