Thursday, March 31, 2011

August 26th, 2023 - The Village People (3rd Annual Village Honda Show and Shine)

 August 26th, 2023 - The Village People (3rd Annual Village Honda Show and Shine)

After a number of setbacks with the CR-X this season, which I'll go into detail in a future post, I was feeling a little defeated. And if I'm being honest, maybe a little bit sorry for myself too. I didn't put any parts back on the car after her trip to the body shop in February except the center taillight and the front glow plate so I wasn't exactly feeling she was 'show worthy'.

As summer dragged on, I thought that I might be able to go to some 'Show and Shines' where I could just put a sign on her saying "work in progress" and get away it. I decided to check out a local meet that happens every Wednesday evening not too far from my house and even created a new "Work in Progress" sign for the occasion. 

As my luck would have it (sarcasm), the week before I was planning to go, someone was doing burnouts and crashed their car leaving the show, not the first time it had happened despite the organizer's best efforts. As a result, the venue pulled the plug on any future shows there and the shows are on hiatus while the organizers look for another venue.

I kept seeing ads for Village Honda's 3rd annual show and shine and decided that I'd see if they had any spots open. The only problem was that it was Thursday, and the show was only two days away! I had some work to do if the car was going to be ready.

I was almost out of wheel cleaner and the MR5s were looking especially gross with brake dust, so I grabbed another bottle and a soft bristled wheel brush and went to the car wash to give her a proper bath. Was really impressed with the Meguire's Aluminum Wheel Cleaner. Worked really well, and while the wheels definitely are in need of a refinishing, they were much better looking than before.

Once home, I hit it up with the Meguire's Quick Detail spray to remove any remaining water spots and cleaned the exterior glass. The next morning before work, it was on to the interior. Since I work from home, at lunch I put some of the accessories back on, and started cleaning with Honda's Leather & Vinyl Cleaner. After work, I finished cleaning the interior and then the interior glass. 

Once complete, I added some props I'd been collecting to give the car a more "90s vibe" and I was all set.

Roll-in was at 10am and the weather couldn't have been better. Sunny, and not a cloud in the sky. Forecasts for predicting highs in the 26C (about 79F). Registration was $10 and included a Honda branded detail bucket and supplies. Definitely worth the price of admission! I got parked and set up, then walked the parking lot. I ran into some old friends, and made few new ones. 

The show went until about 3:30pm and I was exhausted. I had way too much fun, and I got way too much sun - even with an SPF60 on! The CR-X was well-received, and a lot of people really liked the 90s themed props. It was a great day, and I was really happy that I chose to go. Already scanning the car show calendar to see if there's any other show and shines I might want to go to before the end of the season.

Winner: Best Modified

Winner: Best Modified

Previous 2-Time Winner: Best In Show

Previous 2-Time Winner: Best In Show

Previous 2-Time Winner: Best In Show

Winner: Best In Show

Winner: Best Classic

Winner: Best Classic

Winner: Best Classic

Winner: Best Classic

Winner: Best Classic

Some pictures of my CR-X at the show:

Remember, this blog was written in chronological order so, you will need to click OLDER POSTS to move forward in time, and click NEWER POSTS to go backwards.

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